
Paradise found, 2023

Paradise found

Big feelings in California,

Bigger feelings in Florida..

A series of compounding difficult feels I’ve never felt before..

I surrendered to them like an unexpected set of big waves when you’re paddling out past the break..

Knocked off my block & put on tumble dry..

I let it take me down too long knowing it’d spit me back out in time..

In time to take one deep breath before the next..

(“I just go in with a whirl and come out with a swirl. I do not resist the water,

I entirely identify myself with water.”,


dry land,

Paradise found.



Watts, Alan, et al. “Chuang-Tzu - Wisdom of the Ridiculous.” The Way of Liberation: Essays and Lectures on the Transformation of Self, Weatherhill, New York, 1983.


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