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A little beauty..

In the face of so much fuckery, we find a little beauty..

Calvin Burton • C.C. Czerwinski • Jeremy Gustin • Mónica Palma • Katy Pinke • Tracie Dawn Williams • Beatrice Wolert

In the face of so much fuckery, we find

a little beauty..

Group show at Gallery Petite

114 Wilson Ave. Brooklyn, NY

January 22-28, 2023

Open hours:

Monday - Wednesday: 10-4pm

Thursday - Saturday: 12-6pm

Beatrice Wolert Healing the Fallen Trees #003

Calendar events | Price list

Calvin Burton • C.C. Czerwinski • Jeremy Gustin • Mónica Palma • Katy Pinke • Beatrice Wolert

Calvin Burton's paintings reflect a synthesis of geometric and gestural abstraction in which linear forms brush with structures of representation—light/shadow, figure/ground—and allude to narrative motifs—figures in motion, times of day, waves, flora, profits and losses. Burton acknowledges the presence of narrative as an inevitability—the desire to point a painting’s here to an external there. But he orients his paintings in the opposite direction, inward, towards the periphery of what can be articulated through language (for the artist, the rhythmic concept enables this passage). (@calvintburton)

Czerwinski is a self-taught artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Primarily working in oil on linen, she creates raw, abstract oeuvres rich in symbolism and painted with organic hues. Her color palettes are often created en plein air in remote parts of the world by way of gouache on paper or 35mm film. She is currently focusing her work on the female experience in the modern Western world and the cosmic forces of the divine feminine. (@ccczerwinski)

Jeremy Gustin is a Bushwick-based drummer/composer. His vibrant photographs are largely the result of the aimless walking he religiously does in his New York life as well as on tour in various parts of the globe. Could be the side of a dumpster behind a Walmart in Ohio or under a bridge in a fishing village in Japan. What he calls "Foundscapes" are everywhere. His other visual practice of slicing office supply sticker dots into intriguing, often whimsical, compositions has only recently come into the public eye after years of daily experimentation. (@jeremygustin | @stickerdots)

Mónica Palma’s work is holistically existential. Her practice includes equal parts performance, and the making of largely-sculptural paper works. Originally from Mexico, Palma has been living in NYC for over a decade. She often incorporates ideas and materials taken directly from her hometown of Mexico City, always elemental and from the earth. (@mopanana)

Katy Pinke is a multi-disciplinary artist and musician based in New York. Originally trained in London as an actor and theatre-maker, she applies the principles of dramatic storytelling and live performance to her studio practice and her songwriting. Pinke has shown in New York with Echo Arts Initiative, Pablo's Birthday Gallery, Heroes Gallery, Governor's Island Poetry Festival, and ABC No Rio, and premiered original performance work at Tate Xchange at Tate Modern (London), Tsinghua University (Beijing), Dixon Place (New York), and Summerhall at Edinburgh Fringe (Edinburgh). (@__katypinke)

Beatrice Wolert is a first generation Polish American visual artist raised in Greenpoint where she continues to live and maintain her studio practice. Wolert works between genres to explore themes of ephemerality, impermanence, transformation, temporality, tactility, mindfulness, and spirituality of materials. She is interested in process and how doing relates to memory. (@beawolert)

(A labor of love by C.C. Czerwinski)